Installation Permit Application

An Installation is defined in the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016. If your business meets the thresholds set, then you will need to apply for an installation permit. These will all have different volumes and thresholds…

Waste Licences

We have helped many organisations apply for all sorts of waste licences and permits. Whether you need a permit from the Environment Agency for depositing waste onto land, or if you are looking to set…

Environmental Management Systems

Environmental management systems (EMS) are used to help companies comply with their environmental permit. They help with running operations. They provide a process for employees to follow for environmentally sensitive tasks. An EMS comprises therefore…

Regulation 61 Notice

The Environment Agency have started issuing a Regulation 61 notice to all holders of food and drink environmental permits. Installations regulated under s6.8 of the EP regs. The notice is in response to new BAT/BREF…

Environmental Permit Compliance

Environmental Permit Compliance is necessary if you are regulated by the Environment Agency. Paul Downing & Associates have not only helped companies obtain environmental permits. We have helped countless waste businesses move back into or…

H1 Risk Assessment

An H1 Risk Assessment is used to identify what risks are associated with your waste or industrial site. The assessment is a prescribed methodology approved by the Environment Agency. There are different types of risk…

Do I Need To Apply For A Waste Permit?

Apply for A Waste Permit – There are many different types of waste permit and Licence. We try to explain what these are and when you might need them. Waste Carrier Licence – These are…

Scrap Metal Licence

You may need a scrap metal licence if you intend to recycle end of life vehicles or metals. This licence or environmental permit is similar to a planning application to apply for. There are several…

treatment plant discharge

Treatment Plant Discharge

Any treatment plant discharge to surface water or groundwater requires a permit. There are therefore exemptions for small discharges but anything over 5 cubic metres requires an environmental permit from the Environment Agency. We can…

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