Environmental Legal Compliance Audit, ISO 14001

All organisations certified to ISO 14001:2004  have a legal register identifying all legal and other requirements to which they must comply,  however ISO 14001 also requires that you measure your compliance to this legislation on…

Energy Review – Where Do I start?

In your quest to be energy efficient you have started several initiatives in your company, written an energy policy and have designated energy champions…… but are you focusing in the right areas? Most organisations are…

Upturn for Construction and Environmental Surveys?

According to the latest Markit/CIPS UK Construction Purchasing Managers Index, confidence in the construction sector is running at a high since 2007 after an expansion in both placed orders and workload in housing and civil…

Energy Audits for Business?

Article 8 of the European Union Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), requires all Member States to introduce a regime of regular energy audits for large enterprises (this means non-SMEs), to promote the uptake of cost-effective energy…

Environmental Gap Analysis Audit

If you are looking to develop an energy or environmental management system to either ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) or ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems) there are several factors to take into account; Why do…

ISO 50001 Data Centre (Energy Management Systems)

ISO 50001 Data Centre Energy Management Energy management and structured systems to bring it about, such as ISO 50001, has never been more relevant than when it comes to data centres. The growth of this…

Phase 1 Desktop Surveys

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) recently reported that construction output continued to fall this year. Compared to January last year output of all new work was 10% lower than in the first month of…

Sustainability Strategy Development

Sustainability is a wide term often used by organisations to mean doing the “right thing” for the environment and social welfare but how do you go about developing a strategy for such a broad subject?…

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